Monday 3 March 2014

How important is Copyright Registration?

So you come up with something interesting or new, say a song, an idea for a book or even a new invention; how are you going to prove that you indeed came up with it? That’s where copyright registration comes in!

To protect your invention, song, screenplay or any other creation of the mind, it’s imperative to register a copyright. This guarantees that your idea/invention is going to be protected all your life and even seventy years after your death!

A copyright establishes a record proving that the invention or creation is the copyright claimant’s idea and no one else can claim it as his own. And in case of a dispute you won’t have to spend precious time and money fighting an expensive legal battle to prove your ownership, the copyright would itself be enough to prove your ownership.

Registering a copyright is a relatively simple affair nowadays! A simple search on the internet will yield you many results of companies willing to register a copyright for a small fee. Based on the testimonials on the website you can choose the best one.

Also, a copyright registered in the UK is going to be valid internationally in 164 countries recognized by the Berne Convention. So you won’t have to worry about intellectual property theft even in any other country!